Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Colossians 1:5

"...the faith and love that spring from the hope that is stored up for you in heaven and that you have already heard about in the word of truth, the gospel..." Colossians 1:5

This is where faith and love come from: our hope in Christ. When we have our minds set on Christ, His perfection, promises, and blood that washes us and deems us worthy, the natural result is to have an overflow of faith and love. Faith in Him for all things, and love for not only Him, but for our brothers and sisters. Keeping a single eye set on He Who commands us to love, it's difficult to think about yourself or about anything not glorifying to Him. The Colossians got it right. They're on fire for Christ because of their belief and because they serve wholeheartedly. This is such an inspiration, seeing their success. It's what we're meant to do: We're here to serve, not to be served, and remaining grounded firm in the Lord is the way to do it. 

This reminds me of Romans 12 how it talks about our "reasonable response". In that chapter, it's talking about offering ourselves as living sacrifices, as it's our reasonable response to what God's done for us. It's our act of worship. In the same way, when we put our HOPE in CHRIST, the reasonable response to Him is to have increased faith and love in all areas of our life. That's just what happens when we put our hope where it belongs, every single time.

Application is to write "HOPE = FAITH & LOVE" on my wrist as a reminder of what must come first to have faith and love in action in my every day life.

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