Saturday, August 17, 2013

I got worms.

No really I did have worms. But praise Jesus they're easily taken care of.
We went out to the street today for a flash mon evangelism outreach and it was amazing! People got saved and lets hope we see their faces at church tomorrow? Keep these in your prayers that the seeds planted today take root and bear fruit!!

We're looking to take this program more seriously and be filled with the spirit so we can look more like Christ each day. We're doing a pretty good job at staying unified...these people are incredible.
Definite family status. Praise the Lord for a strong group of people who we can all lean on together.

We'll be finding out our field locations in the next few weeks.
But for now, we're focusing on being trained to be the best that we can be for God and His kingdom.

It's raining a lot.
I love it.

No mas Internet in un momento.

Please keep us in prayer!
Pray for this lost world and the love we all need to remember.


1 comment:

  1. I laughed and felt bad all at the same time, haha. Praise God for medicine ;) Very exciting to hear about your street evangelism. Praying for you! God is your strength!
    Love and blessings,
