Monday, September 23, 2013

Living in Light of Eternity

Something we have to do.
Praise the Lord, He has filled me with His Spirit to
remind me of the necessary death I'm to die every day.
Death is required for Him to raise us up.
Those who exalt themselves cannot be risen up, but
those who humble themselves will be exalted, as
they've placed themselves as the lowly.

God is reminding me I have no rights;
This life is not mine, it belongs to Him, and I am to empty out
all of me to be filled with Him, letting this life to be used only to glorify Him.

Praise Him for the work He does every second of every day.
I'm living with my eyes on eternity with the King of Kings, 
but still taking each day serving Him as we're called to.


People are changed by what you see. Don't tell me you've never changed something about yourself because of something you've seen from someone else, whether that be good or bad.
We may not choose to believe this, but we as humans do have an impact on other people. But more than that, it's the Lord who makes a difference in others. We may capture attention, but it's He who changes a person.

We must not quench the Spirit or, as Kelli showed in the skit, hide under a blanket keeping the Lord and all of His gifts to ourselves....that will never work. Most of the blessings that come from the Lord are done through loving others and sharing the good news, which is what we're called to.

I will write a list of ways I have seen God work through people who have been allow the light of the Lord to shine onto the world, reminding me to do the same.


Ones who strive for the fleeting pleasures of this world live drowning in uncertainty and grasping at straws. How many times have we strayed from the the Lord's path for us and realized things become strangely difficult and dark? When we know the way to go, which we find in the Word, it's easy to find peace in life, as we know what awaits us.
We must FIGHT to resist straying from the Lord, we're fighting a very real enemy, and for something that''s worth it.
There is no need for doubt or uncertainty--God's promises for His people stand forever, and that should encourage us to stay by His side.

I will write FIGHT WITH CERTAINTY on my arm to remember there is no need for doubt when I'm with the Lord.


We're running for the prize we're promised. The way we run the race shows what we're running for. If we're hoping to obtain fleeting pleasures in life, the way we live will show it, and if we're striving for the crowns of righteousness that we're promised, it will also show.
We're promised this righteousness IF we live as we're called. It's a condition, and we are to run the race according to the prize we're seeking.

I will write on a card "how will you run?" and keep it in my bed so every time I wake up I will have a reminder to run in a way worthy of the crown.


My first thought is that the path to righteousness is narrow.

So many people are running this race of life, but for what? Too many aren't even running for the prize, but for the race alone, expecting to cross the finishing line with more, but getting nothing.
Now, I agree with running the race for the sake of running it. However, we're not the race, just a part of it. We need to run to remember that. The race is not where we belong or should plan on residing in. We'll get plowed over by other runners focused on the finish line.
We need to run with our eyes on the end, on Who's at the end, on Who we're running the race for: Christ.

We've given our lives to Christ, and are called to live showing it, keeping our eyes on Him.
He's given us commands to follow, and we are to love Him and His people. That is the way we run to achieve the prize.
If we live out our lives in this way, focused on Christ and loving His people, this race will be that much greater, knowing the God of the universe is helping us through it as well as waiting at the end for us.

My application is to write "in such a way" around my inside arm tattoo, so I can remember there are specific things I am called to do and specific ways I am called to be in order to gain Christ.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Philippians 3:12-13
We don't have it, we haven't even gotten it yet, but we still strive toward the prize with all our might to reach everything Christ has for us. 
I say it all the time: being a Christian isn't that You're a sinner and I'm not. It isn't that I know I'm a sinner. It isn't even that I have a savior. We all have a savior, we're all sinners. But what differs is that I KNOW I have a savior, and ask him to be mine. 
This doesn't make me perfect. On the contrary, it opens my eyes more and more each day to how  desperate I am for for a savior, and how deserving I really am to live in Hell for eternity. 

Instead, God allows me to have the title of Daughter of the One True King. I will accept this, as if I have a choice, and live, as Pastor Steve Venable says. "in light of eternity". 

My eyes will remain on Christ and Christ alone. 

Application: to "forget what is behind", my next On The Mount time I will write a list of things from my past that are holding me back from being closer to Christ. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013


So the beginning of this verse, starting with "I want to know" in my version, reminds me of the song in Tarzan, "Strangers Like Me"..which is fairly applicable considering how little we can relate to Christ and His perfection.
To have any type of clarity on God, our eyes must be set and focused on the righteousness that can only come from Him, that we may know Him, the power of what happened three days after His death on the cross, and being able to suffer the same torment He endured.

The veil was torn; His spirit released, and our sufferings not only from here on earth, but what we would be subjected to in Hell, was absorbed by Him. By doing that, He became the CROSSABLE bridge from us to God, saving us and bringing us life from the second we accept Him all through eternity. Him bringing us this freedom is what makes us want to suffer for His glory, what makes us boast in His name.

Application is to meditate on all of the instances where disciples have rejoiced in suffering for His Name's sake, and pray to be encouraged by these in my hardships, remembering it's all for the glory of God.



We are nothing. As long as we are faithful to die every day, that's all we are: an empty carcass.
We must remember our identity is on Christ, for whom we count all things as loss.
He is the one who brings us righteousness, the one who should be our everything.

So once we die and become empty and available for the spirit to invade, of whom we must ask to fill us new every day. It is Him in us and through us that is good, nothing about ourselves, hence the need for us to kill the flesh and everything from it.

Application is to remind myself throughout the day that I am nothing on my own.


IBS 1 CORIN 9:22&23
It's like in our cultural classes and our most recent perspectives assignments: become immersed into the people you're trying to bring to Christ.
Putting yourself out there and doing all that is possible to spread the Gospel is what we're called to, and that's all we can make ourselves willing and available for the Lord to use. We plant seeds into the culture, but it's up to the Lord to grow them and allow them to bear fruit.

All we have to do is be willing and open for Him to use us, in any and every way there is. It might be difficult if we don't like our field locations, or if we have our heart somewhere else, or if we're distracted by things happening at home, but our number one priority is to remain moldable and useable in God's hands--for His purposes and glory, not ours.

Tonight I will reread this before I go to bed so I can remember what my time in Guatemala is about.



This is truly being a bond servant to Christ. We're technically free, but not because of anything we've done. The freedom we have is solely because Christ saved us from Hell, giving us our lives back.
The only reasonable thing to do is to make ourselves completely submitted to the One from whom our freedom comes.
This verse is explaining to be the representatives of Christ that we are called to be.
"To win as many as possible."
The way you act in Christ represents Christ, and showing love to ALL of God's people, regardless of culture, age, or religion, will draw them closer to Him.
Immerse yourself into the people you're attempting to bring to Christ, praying for the spirit to flood each one, and it will be effective.

My prayer for today will be for God to keep me focused and diligent on my Spanish to better interact with the culture here.

LUKE 17:10

IBS LUKE 17:10
This is all just very simple: do as you're told our of a servant's heart. If it's what you're supposed to be doing, there is no glory in doing it, so that should not be our expectation or motivation.

It's like being disciplined. In first Peter, it talks about being punished for doing wrong and how that is just, but when you're punished for doing right or for being wrongly accused and still taking the punishment, this is commendable in the eyes of God, and so it is with being a servant and living for the Lord. Doing as we're told, not looking for any glory or personal gain, but simply submitting out of love for each other and the fear of God.

Serving Him, spreading His name, and making disciples should be our main focus, as we've been learning it's the only reasonable thing to do, having been saved with an amazing grace, freely given by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Application is to pray tonight specifically asking God to condition my heart for more effective service.


This is something I learned when I was very little: you don't get a thank you or a reward for something you're supposed to do. It always upset my sister and I because we didn't get an allowance for doing chores--or sometimes nothing at all--like the other kids did. My parents would always respond with "why would I pay you for something you're supposed to be doing anyway?"
I now understand they were completely right, and I shouldn't have a high expectancy for something that should have none.

If we have true servant's hearts, it doesn't matter what we get in the end; we know right now and every moment that we have Jesus, the Spirit, and an eternal life with Him. As we serve, there should be no intentions to glorify yourself or the things you're doing; everything we do must be done to edify the church, build and strengthen God's people, and honor Him.

Each morning this week, I will have a simple track back list of things I'm thankful for, as it's all come from the Lord.


I feel like this specific verse is more focus on who the servant is working for than the actual servant, even though this chunk is about what the servant is doing.
The servant is told to do something, they're doing it, and their authority gives them comfort and a time to relax. Some might wonder why, when it's what the servant is supposed to do anyway, but it's simply out of appreciation from the authority.
This is how we need to work with God..not working to expect a reward, but almost expecting it with the faith that God does bring us comfort when we completely submit to and serve Him with everything we have.

Today, every time I look at the sunshine tattoo on my arm, I will be reminded God is the one who is the light of my life, bringing me all comfort and happiness.