Monday, April 14, 2014


This is so incredible!
The mountains covered in snow, the frozen lakes, Montana is absolutely beautiful.

Being back together with my family of IGNITE Class 5 is probably one of the most wonderful feelings on the planet. No walls built, nothing to hide, only people who know you and want to hear everything. People who get it. They understand. The know what's going on. 
That makes the re-entry process so much easier--to be with family.

It's hard, because a piece of my heart has been ripped out and left with my kids and family in Guatemala, but it's a kind of cushioning effect coming back and being reunited with other pieces of my heart that had been ripped out in October and sent to Kenya, Uganda, and Costa Rica.

Couldn't be more excited for what the Lord has in store for us this month! 
Praise 'im!!

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