Saturday, December 28, 2013


Joel 2:19

The Lord satisfies us completely. Why do true Christians seem so happy? Why is it that nothing seems to bother them, that their mouth drips with joy? That, when confronted with trouble, their responses seem to go along the lines of "It's in God's hands" without any concern, worry, or anxiety?
It's because when you're confronted with TRUTH that is as sweet as Jesus Christ, there is nothing that can move you. It's TRUE: everything is in God's hands. That's such a comforting thought! Knowing He created every bit of us, that he holds our beginnings, our ends, our salvation, is beautiful and so freeing. 

Sometimes I slip into looking at worldly concerns such as follows:
"When I get home, I have no car."
"I'll have no job.."
"I don't have a house of my own.."
"It'll be so hard to..."

Then I have to remember to STOP. Consciously pull yourself out of such thoughts. These are simply things that don't matter right now! God's in control! It's not the lazy way of thinking, as the world will tell me, it's realizing I'm not in control, and that's okay! The Word says to let tomorrow worry about itself, and it's true. What amount of worrying right now will affect the outcome of tomorrow? None. So why waste time doing that when I could be doing so many other things, of which glorify the Lord?

My application is to, as soon as I start worrying about the things of tomorrow, quickly switch gears and remind myself that God has work for me to do today.

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